foldedspace — musings of a middle-aged geekHere’s a fun video I discovered a couple of months ago. I’m not sure why I didn’t share it before. At a sushi bar in Japan, the dishes are served on a conveyer belt. Patrons take the food they want as it comes to them. Here, a young woman has placed her digital video camera on the conveyer to let it make its 7-1/2 minute trip through the restaurant. The result is strangely mesmerizing:
As I say, I watched this a few months ago, but dismissed it as a novelty. But I’ve thought about the video many times since. I love the way it captures so many small moments.
It’s enthralling.
Tags: Fun · YouTube → 3 Comments
Because I have sleep apnea and spend my nights strapped to a C-PAP machine, I don’t dream very often. If I remember to take my melatonin before bed, I’ll sometimes have dreams, but mostly my nights are a blank slate. (I’m sure I’m actually dreaming, of course, but I just don’t remember the dreams upon waking.) A couple of weeks ago, though, I had a fine pair of dreams. Very vivid.
Dream #1
Kris and I were joining Chris and Jolie to see a movie in northwest Portland. For some reason, we were meeting them at the Mini dealership in southwest Portland. When we met, there was an hour before the movie began, so I suggested we walk over to the theater. We did. As we were leaving the dealership, we passed through a coffeeshop attached to it (which doesn’t exist in reality), and I accidentally knocked a newspaper from some lady’s hands. Chris caught it as it fell, and I was all apologetic.The four of us walked to the (imaginary) theater in northwest Portland, but we were way early (which wouldn’t be true in real life — the walk would have been just the right amount of time). Fortunately, the theater was attached to a large used bookstore (not Powell’s). Also fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately), the bookstore contained a huge stash of comics-as-books that I’ve been hunting for. And for cover price (instead of marked up at collectors prices). I was ecstatic, and set aside a stack of them to purchase.
Then I saw that my brother Jeff was there. He and I began to talk. Jolie came to tell me that it was time for the movie to start, so I went to find my stack of books, but they were gone! I was frantic! I didn’t want to let these bargains slip away. I couldn’t find them anywhere. I looked under a bed (why was there a bed in the middle of a bookstore?) but they weren’t there. (There were, however, other comics-as-books that I wanted, so I grabbed them.) Ultimately, I had to leave without my books, and I was very sad. I did not enjoy the movie.
Monday, June 29, 2009
foldedspace — musings of a middle-aged geek
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Social Submitter - Products - Seo - Group
An essential thing you must understand in community-building is your access to 2-way communication. The only way you can build a long-term, sustainable business using social media is to never forget the true purpose... 2-way communication.
Be Educational, Enlightening or Entertaining
These are known as the three E's of social media. As humans these are the three things that we always seek in everyday interaction with people. Social media networks are just an extension of our natural human characteristics.
The most successful people in social media or in any business realize that they need to cater to these three things that people crave. Are there any guidelines? How does that really work for us? You need to evaluate your content. Is this educating anybody? Is this enlightening anybody as to a new possibility or a solution for a problem? Does it entertain the reader?
If it doesn't do any of those 3 essential things, then your content is probably not going to get crowd sourced (shared by others). And crowd sourcing is the key, because that is what aggregates your content automatically to the far reaches of the social sphere, through other people. So as long as you're paying attention to those 3 E's, you'll do just fine. You'll achieve high search engine visibility (and rankings) by simply creating content (text, audio, video) that follows the 3 E's.
Internet Marketing for the New Generation...
Intro Video (90 Sec)SEO20/20 has become the market leader in telling the facts as they relate to Internet Marketing & SEO for 2008 and beyond. Watch this brief 90 second introduction video to get a glimpse of what we have to offer you and your existing or future online business.
Our service is free...
Internet Marketing is a subject that is full of fairy tales, lies and deceitful misguidance by gurus and profiteers....
Our mission at SEO20/20 is to introduce you to YOU 2.0 is to shift the power away from Internet marketing gurus and profiteers to place the power of Internet market domination firmly in your hands in a no hype, no sales pitch kind of way.
Internet Marketing for the New Generation
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Internet Marketing Tools Training: Internet Marketing Books & Courses
Friday, June 26, 2009
The Best Resource for Article Marketers Super Article Traffic
If you are scared only by the name "Article Marketing" you have not to preoccupation anymore...Super Article Traffic - The Best Resource for Article Marketers
A new marketer called Alessandro Zamboni released just a few days ago an incredible package devoted to Article Marketing.
His name ? Super Article Traffic !
I never saw a so special ebook before : it contains all the secret techniques to really
become a great article marketer in less than 24 hours !
And I guarantee to you that if you buy all the ebooks released until now on that topic,
you can't find all the informations Alessandro's provided.
Super Article Traffic is simply straight to the point : you will be followed step by step,
and all the common errors are explained like never before.
Here you can find only some of the contents provided :
* Article Marketing Basics
* The best and fast ways to find a Good Niche
* How to choose the most effective Keywords
* How to write an attention grabbing Header
* How to make and find easy and interesting Contents
* The Best Places to submit your daily Articles
* How to Build an effective and time-saving Daily Plan
* How to earn a full Income making Articles
* How to Drive daily and fresh Traffic to your Websites or Blogs
* Secret ways to use your Articles for other purposes.
* A complete list of hundreds of the most effective websites to improve your traffic,
your sales and your Article's diffusion on daily basis !
And you will receive the Secret Mindmaps !
A set of ready to print mindmaps to remember all the techniques to become an Expert Article Marketer at your first try !
Also a great John Yeo's Interview is included : he explain how article marketing can
be used to build a professional blogger income.
Something missing ? Oh, are you asking for 7000 PLR Articles ?
Alessandro provided also that for you !
Super Article Traffic is a biggest value for a very low price, that's simply incredible !
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Creating Video for websites
Video Marketing
Ideas Video Tips for Marketing Within Google Hot Trends
Make sure you watch these videos on full screen or you won't be able to see the details...
Click the 'full screen' tab at the bottom right of the videos...
#1 Intro to Google Hot Trends...
#2 Writing Content - Creating Video for websites
Can you give away 1 CD per day? If so, you could be making up to $28,184.40
Order Confirmation : MicroContinuity.comthat's if you do it wrong! Just images how much you can make if you do it right! I know, it sounds too good to be true, but this letter proves how easy it can be:
Then one day about 5 months ago something happened...
Now, before you think I'm some genius who created this idea from scratch, I've got to come out and tell the truth. It was NOT something I invented, but I actually stole these ideas from 5 different business models that I had learned from other top internet marketers.
Guys like Dan Kennedy, Frank Kern, Jimmy Brown, Mike Filsaime, Anik Singal and more...
There were actually 6 different business models I had learned and was currently using in my business. Each of these models worked, but at the same time, they each had some potentially fatal flaws that kept almost every "normal" person from succeeding with any of them!
Until one day I was playing on my white board. I was trying to figure out a way to shave time off of the system we were teaching our students, and that's when it happened!
When I put the pieces from each of these models in a very specific order, one that almost seemed backwards at first... It instantly made a money getting system that ANYONE could do within 24-48 hours!
Now, here's the crazy part: It just so happened that the very next day after I stumbled upon this new system, we were having one of our $11,000 workshops at our offices here in Boise Idaho. I did a quick meeting the day before the workshop and told my team to cancel everything!
Don't worry - we didn't cancel the workshop, but we canceled the way we HAD been teaching people to that point. I told everyone that it was taking too long and not enough people were having success fast enough and we needed to change.
I then showed them the new system and told them we were teaching that tomorrow!!! One of them asked me what It was going to be called, and I told them the name:
FeedAgg Blog » Post Your FeedAgg Feed To Twitter
FeedAgg Blog » Post Your FeedAgg Feed To TwitterWouldn’t it be great if you could update your twitter feed when you update your RSS/XML feed?
We thought so too.
Now when you look at your feeds list you will see a link for “Twitter.” When you click that link you will be taken to the 3 step setup process to integrate into Twitter. Enter the Twitter username you want to post to, authorize, then finally select your update frequency. From there we will check your feed at the frequency your specify and post any changes to your twitter account.
For those worried about handing over your Twitter password to another web site, worry not, we are using the OAuth protocol to verify against Twitter so you don’t need to give us your Twitter password.
How to Get a Top Listing in Google, Yahoo and Bing
You probably are aware of all the ways that you should perform SEO, maybe even dabble in a bit of paid search engine marketing and even getting yourself noticed in social media. But, what if I told you that you can get a #1 spot in Google for your business locally? Yeah, and it’s free. I recommend every small business and local entrepreneur invest the 20 minutes and get themselves listed.How to Get a Top Listing in Google, Yahoo and Bing | Infusionsoft BlogGetting the top listings in search engines such as Google, MSN/Live/Bing and Yahoo are the difference between getting Web leads and no leads. A common misconception is that it costs a lot of money to land the top listings. Additionally, those who are unfamiliar with search engines might think there is some mysterious authority that judges which business appear. There isn’t.
At least, not anymore. The search engines are still in a three-way race to win over consumers to become loyal searchers. What does this mean for you, as a small business? Free local visibility and well-connected customers can keep in touch with you.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Money24Seven Blog for Internet Business Success - Part 12
Money24Seven Blog for Internet Business Success - Part 12Finding it hard to get followers? Here are some helpful tips taken from Julia Angwin’s Wall Street Journal article “How to Twitter.”
* Ask colleagues for their Twitter addresses and begin to follow them. Then search through their public lists of followers and whom they’ve followed.
* The best way to get followers is to tweet (constantly post messages).
* Include a short link that goes to a website, blog, etc that might more easily explain what you are you are trying say.
* Tweet something interesting! Reconstruct boring sentences to something more eye-catching.
* Try to get “retweeted.”
* Utilize the @reply function to broadcast your messages to a wider audience.
* Answer question. One guy even made a career out of doing!
* Use the more than 2,000 Twitter applications to sort through and organize tweetTwitter is where you want to share common interests and ask insightful questions, and, ideally, read the interesting answers you get back, says Laura Fitton (@pistachio), who runs Pistachio Consulting, which advices people and companies on how best to utilize Twitter.
Twitter has developed a business following. People use Twitter to keep up with news, opinion and happenings in their field, for example. Once you get going with Twitter, this information will come to you.
More on this in a minute here. Twitter is it a Big Waste of Your Time?
The New Money Making Blog with Money 24 Seven
Part 5: – Off-Page Search Engine Optimization
We’ve already optimized our blog to rank well for search results of certain keywords that we’re targetting, but here comes the sad news – it affects your ranking in only very minor ways. However, don’t skip this step as every little bit helps when you’re competing for search engine rankings!
Now, we’re moving on to offpage search engine optimization. That is, factors that are not on your blog but affect your search engine rankings very greatly. There are a lot of offpage factors, but we shall study them one by one. The first and most obvious one is the number of links to your blog.
As a general rule of thumb, the more links to your blog, the more the search engines think you are an authority in that particular niche and hence the higher they rank you. However, take care to observe the quality of the links. For example, a thousand links from totally irrelevant sites like online dating sites would not help at all because your blog is a technological product blog. In contrast, a single link from a highly authoritative site about technological gadgets will get the search engines crawling about your blog like the Feds storming a crack den…
Anyway, the most cost effective way of getting high quality links from authoritative sites is simply to ask for it. If your blog contains high quality content that is original and will provide valuable information to the site’s readers, chances are the webmaster(s) will link to your blog or even write about you!
Let’s talk about how we should ask these webmasters of authority to link to your blog. We’re discussing this based on the presumption that your blog is really content rich and offer high quality information to anyone in your niche or topic of discussion. The most viable option would be to send an email directly to the webmaster. Blog Training | The New Money Making Blog with Money24Seven
My Page - Social Marketing Central
My Page - Social Marketing CentralIf you’re trying to get started, simply join Twitter then start asking me questions. Honestly, that’s going to be easy for you than anything else. You’ll want to follow me because I write about, and follow, the smartest, usability and internet marketing folks on Twitter. I also generate some good stuff. If you’re trying to find John S. Rhodes on Twitter, start here:DragMy Blog
“You can always social network for something you really want to CHANGE.”
Hi readers posters Join Global Awareness Campaign: fans one n'all ... Whats your take on What’s New ... I woke up this morning to the radio playing; I'd left it on last night as I fell asleep this guy was talking about how soldiers communicate though blogging with their loved ones and folks back home so once I pulled myself together and had my first cup of hot water and honey; Rolling Eyes I switched on my computer to check the ipod out from the BBC4 radio station, then as you no doubt know Idea… Continue
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Take advantage of the recent Twitter explosion in popularity, NOW!
Tweet Adder – Professional Twitter Marketing Tools – Automated Software – Laser Targeted Auto Follow, Auto Unfollow, Mass Tweeter, Twitter Search, more ..Take advantage of the recent Twitter explosion in popularity, NOW!
Twitter is today’s hot spot! Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Ashton Kutcher, CNN, your local news, and even your local radio stations all have twitter accounts to grow their network of twitter followers. They promote themselves on twitter to generate new fans, leads, viewership, news hounds, and music listeners. Shouldn’t you be doing the same?
You hear “Follow Us On Twitter!” every time you turn on the TV or Radio!
This has caused an enormous avalanche of new twitter users signing up every second hungry to connect with like minded people!
What is Twitter all about? Twitter in Plain English Click On This Picture Below
Watch more Twitter Tutorials for Newbies Here
How do I take advantage of this huge twitter growth and profit from it?
Fortunately, following the methods employed in our Automated Tweet Adder Networking Software, you can CAPITALIZE on the NEW twitter phenomenon very quickly, and achieve a dramatic increase in sales, lead generation, website visitors, networking, music promotion, and video promotion.
Web Resources, Marketing Articles, Free Information, Tools, Software, Authority Web Site Presented by Phillip Skinner
Simplehealthexercises’s Blog
phillip skinner
Google Product Ads Beta?
Google Product Ads Beta?
Someone who’d like to remain anonymous forwarded an email from Google, confidentially referring to a product called “Google product ads beta”. From the mail:
We are pleased to invite you to participate in an exciting beta program with the Google Affiliate Network to show product ads on Google. Product ads are paid product listings that appear when users search for products on Google. Through participation in the Google Affiliate Network product ads beta program, you can promote your products to users actively searching for your products and pay only when users make a purchase on your site.
This opportunity is a very tangible benefit of the integration of our affiliate platform into Google. Google is constantly experimenting with new features and visuals to improve ad effectiveness and advance the end user experience.
Google product ads will feature product specific information directly in the ad such as price and product image. During the beta program, Google will be testing to identify the most effective ad formats. Google product ads will complement standard text ads on and will run independently during the beta. All reports on the performance of Google product ads can be seen through your Google Affiliate Network account. Google Product Ads Beta?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Phillip Skinner Digg Profile
Digg is a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web. From the biggest online destinations to the most obscure blog, Digg surfaces the best stuff as voted on by our users. You won’t find editors at Digg — we’re here to provide a place where people can collectively determine the value of content and we’re changing the way people consume information online.
How do we do this? Everything on Digg — from news to videos to images — is submitted by our community (that would be you). Once something is submitted, other people see it and Digg what they like best. If your submission rocks and receives enough Diggs, it is promoted to the front page for the millions of our visitors to see.
And it doesn’t stop there. Because Digg is all about sharing and discovery, there’s a conversation that happens around the content. We’re here to promote that conversation and provide tools for our community to discuss the topics that they’re passionate about. By looking at information through the lens of the collective community on Digg, you’ll always find something interesting and unique. We’re committed to giving every piece of content on the web an equal shot at being the next big thing. Overview
Monday, June 15, 2009
3rd Key Component to Social Media Marketing Optimization
Content Syndication: the 3rd Key Component to Social Media Marketing Optimization - eMarketing Hubs“Syndication is the act or process of syndicating” ( where syndicating is “to publish simultaneously, or supply for simultaneous publication, in a number of newspapers or other periodicals in different places: Her column is syndicated in 120 papers.” (
Up till recently, the term syndication was more used as reference to newspaper or television (traditional media), but with the explosion of internet, syndication is more commonly known as RSS -Really Simple Syndication- and Wikipedia defines it as follow:
RSS (most commonly translated as "Really Simple Syndication") is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format.[2] An RSS document (which is called a "feed", "web feed",[3] or "channel") includes full or summarized text, plus metadata such as publishing dates and authorship. Web feeds benefit publishers by letting them syndicate content automatically. They benefit readers who want to subscribe to timely updates from favored websites or to aggregate feeds from many sites into one place. RSS feeds can be read using software called an "RSS reader", "feed reader", or "aggregator", which can be web-based, desktop-based, or mobile-device-based. A standardized XML file format allows the information to be published once and viewed by many different programs. The user subscribes to a feed by entering into the reader the feed's URI – often referred to informally as a "URL" (uniform resource locator), although technically the two terms are not exactly synonymous – or by clicking an RSS icon in a browser that initiates the subscription process. The RSS reader checks the user's subscribed feeds regularly for new work, downloads any updates that it finds, and provides a user interface to monitor and read the feeds."
As Internet Marketers, we all know the power of the famous icon and most of us are using RSS functions to make sure our blog content is widely read and followed.
Features & Benefits More Traffic for Everyone
Tweet Adder – Professional Twitter Marketing Tools – Automated Software – Laser Targeted Auto Follow, Auto Unfollow, Mass Tweeter, Twitter Search, more ..Take advantage of the recent Twitter explosion in popularity, NOW!
Twitter is today’s hot spot! Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Ashton Kutcher, CNN, your local news, and even your local radio stations all have twitter accounts to grow their network of twitter followers. They promote themselves on twitter to generate new fans, leads, viewership, news hounds, and music listeners. Shouldn’t you be doing the same?
You hear “Follow Us On Twitter!” every time you turn on the TV or Radio!
This has caused an enormous avalanche of new twitter users signing up every second hungry to connect with like minded people!
What is Twitter all about? Twitter in Plain English Click On This Picture Below
Watch more Twitter Tutorials for Newbies Here
How do I take advantage of this huge twitter growth and profit from it?
Fortunately, following the methods employed in our Automated Tweet Adder Networking Software, you can CAPITALIZE on the NEW twitter phenomenon very quickly, and achieve a dramatic increase in sales, lead generation, website visitors, networking, music promotion, and video promotion.
Web Resources, Marketing Articles, Free Information, Tools, Software, Authority Web Site Presented by Phillip Skinner
Features & Benefits More Traffic for Everyone
Content Syndication Services
Content Syndication ServicesContent Syndication Services
Content syndication is the single most powerful element in social media
that gives your content a simple way to rise above the noise of the crowd so that your content gets noticed.
Getting your content noticed in a social crowd is like trying to get your voice heard in a crowded room full of people with a similar agenda…
Content syndication boosts your visibility within social circles (Social Buzz),
it gives your content a platform to stand on so that the crowd takes notice and is able to separate your message from the noise,
become engaged with your content, become a prospect and eventually a customer…
Part 1: Setting Up Your Blog The New Money Making Blog
17 Twitterific Twitter Tools Part 1 | Blog Training Academy, it's YOUR brand17 Twitterific Twitter Tools Part 1
More of the Same same 15th June 2009
Blog Training Academy took the time out to review 17 twitterific tools that you might or might not have seen. There are some duds and there are some real gems, just sit back read and discover something new and possibly unique. gives you the value for your twitter profile, based on what I am not to sure ?. I am guessing that it works very similar to
Not to sure what the value of is but I can tell you that it looks cool.
TwitterSnooze is pretty darn cool. TwitterSnooze allows you to put a friend on snooze. Have you ever had someone that you follow that tweets all day long, giving you blow by blow details on a conference they are attending. Well with TweetSnooze you can put them in time out or on snooze for a day or two until they are done with the conference that you don’t care about
Tired of to many tweets, need a better way to filter what you do and don’t see? Want to filter words and phrases from your tweet stream? Well Twalala is the tool for you. As they say it is like twitter with a MUTE button.
On a scale of 1 to 10 Twistory is a 11. Plain and simple twistory imports the history of your blog posts in your calendar program. Twistory provides an iCalendar feed that allows you to view your twitter backlog. You can even keep track of time by starting your tweets with both t or /t and Twistory will keep track of what you’re doing. There is no time lapse.
This one I am going to use. One of the best if not the best I have seen for twitter so far.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
SiteProNews: Free Traffic and the 4 Vital Elements of a Successful Website
-Free Traffic and the 4 Vital Elements of a Successful Website
By Brye Bishop (c) 2009
Let's face it, anyone can build a website. There are countless
companies out there offering a vast array of web building
solutions, some good, some great, and some quite frankly are a
complete waste of time! But throwing together a website is
really only part of the story, only part of the process. There
are literally, hundreds of thousands of web pages, that will
never be viewed and therefore stand no chance of commercial
success. Some of those sites are relatively good; unfortunately
their owners have misunderstood the process and have the cart
before the horse...
In the online world nobody just happens by your website, credit
card in hand! If you've yet to build your website, or about to
create a new site, stop! consider first exactly what you wish to
achieve with that site, before you start. "Creating a website
should follow a process proven to deliver a commercial end
result... or run the risk of ending up, just another pretty
picture in cyberspace!"
Fortunately there is a process, and I highly recommend you take
a look at it... perhaps you already know it...
Content > Traffic > Pre-sell > Monetize
A time tested, 4 step process, proven to produce websites that
deliver... commercially! Ok so, let's now look briefly at each
step and why they work in this particular order.
Brye Bishop is a highly successful internet entrepreneur and
marketer, committed to providing quality source information and
assisting others in their quest for financial freedom. ...Get your free copy of The Simple Art
of e-Persuasion now, simply email "eBook offer" to
Only Positive News To Print Full Version Article Click Here
Friday, June 05, 2009
Blackhat Money Making Techniques
If I Had a Little More MoneyBlackhat Money Making Techniques
To start with this technique you must know about Adbrite and Alexa. Adbrite is a website which connects advertisers and web publishers. Here advertisers search for websites with high traffic to place their advertisements. The high the traffic, their advertisements will reach more people. The traffic of the websites is determined by Alexa rankings. Now we’re going to play with this traffic to make $1500 per month.Step 1: Create a 2 page website and fill it with videos from Youtube. Add some funny pictures and also some content. Make the website looks good.
Step 2: Make space for 50 ads on the website. Buy traffic to your website (Costs $30 for 100,000 hits). The traffic will be delivered with in a month. Keep re-buying and your Alexa rankings raise high.
Step 3: Charge $30 per ad per month for each of the 50 ads at Adbrite. With a high Alexa ranking Advertisers love to place ads on your website.
Step 4: Earn $30X50 = $1500 a month.
I personally tried this technique and it worked and works fine for me. There are many other Blackhat techniques to make money which I will tell you, if you pay just $35. Pay $35 and download “Blackhat Money Making Techniques” instantly.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Ordinary Words, Inspirational Entertainment, Movies seen by Millions
Humanity Unites Brilliance! Ordinary Words, Inspirational Entertainment, Movies seen by MillionsNow seen by over a million people...
3-Minute Inspirational Movies
What Is Love?
"The LOVE movie is outstanding and everyone needs to see it. The powerful message of universal LOVE will enter the cosmic soul and make our world a better place to live. Danish has created a masterpiece. His love for humankind shows through in this movie."
- Frank Gasiorowski, Mr. 90 Day Goals