Monday, January 19, 2009

The Crash Course Ready to learn everything you need to know about the economy in the shortest amount of time?

Distribute Crash Course DVDsOur number one passion at is spreading the messages of the Crash Course to as many human beings as we possibly can. We sincerely believe that the best thing we can do for our country and the world is to escalate public awareness of these issues so that they become a subject of public discussion and debate.The Crash Course was first published exclusively online at, and the growth in site traffic has been nothing short of explosive. We're now seeing more than 10,000 site visitors daily, and suddenly is one of the busiest finance-related web sites on the Internet. That growth has all occurred as a result of word-of-mouth advertising.

We want to encourage that trend to continue to grow into a massive, viral grassroots movement that puts the messages of the Crash Course at the top of the public discussion agenda.There are several ways you can help us put the word out. If you're so inclined, you can even make money for your efforts. This page describes the details of our viral distribution plan for the Crash Course DVD. Let's first review the success factors that got us to the point we are now, and then consider some new options we're making available: * Word of mouth.

One of the best things you can do to help our cause is just to tell everyone you know about the crash course. e-mail them a link to, or tell them face to face. This is the primary way the word has been passed around to date, and we owe the success of the site to those of you who have helped spread the word

* Public mention. A whole lot of readers have been posting links to on finance and political web sites, e-mailing TV news shows, and generally speaking up wherever they can. This has been so fantastically successful that we've organized a volunteer group called the Martenson Brigade for people who want to help in this way and have fun collaborating with others while doing so.

* Give the Crash Course DVD to your friends. As this page will describe, we've made it incredibly easy to either buy or make your own Crash Course DVDs. It's a simple law of human nature that if you give a person a DVD, they are much more likely to actually watch it than if you just mention the existence of a web site to them in passing. We're passionate about getting this message out to as many people as we possibly can, so we've made it really easy for you with the DVD version of the Crash Course.

* Sell Crash Course DVDs for a profit. We recognize that to expect people to spend time and money buying or making their own DVDs only to give them away for free is asking a lot, and we want to inspire a lot of people to really put the message out in a big way. So we've designed a new program where you can sell crash course DVDs and even make some money for your effort! The full details are on this page. We realize that some of you don't want to view this as a money-making thing, and we hope you'll consider the other options above. But we also know that providing a financial incentive is a good way to really motivate more people to help spread the word.Here's a 5-minute video (which also appears on the DVD itself) introducing our distribution plan:
Chris Martenson | - Distribute Crash Course DVDs -

The Crash Course Ready to learn everything you need to know about the economy in the shortest amount of time?
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