Monday, May 26, 2008

UNDERSTAND, GOOD, PLAY! Natures Natural Movement

Hi this is my journey to understanding then sharing the meaning of Good Play! from the day we are born we all have the ability to implement Natural Movement Practices, allow me to take you back to the mind set of curiosities and child-like exploration? “Example” when younger we could crouch down, kneels, roll, do hand stands, climb walls, trees, jump puddles, duck down, dive and weave?

So tell me how is it as we approach our fifties we suddenly get so stiff we start to bend from our backs instead of crouching down from our knees to pick things up from the floor? We sit in chairs to eat, to work, to watch TV, to rest even play! etc etc ... knowing this short descriptive outline are you surprised that knees, hips replacement surgery is at a all time high?

But strangely enough only in the WEST its a fact in the EASTERN countries like Japan its almost unheard of “replacement surgery” … no surprise you will find people in their mid even late seventies can sit on the floor crossed legged even jump up from that low position from the floor ...

So this is my project my passion! I have a good friend Dennis Bartram who for the last 35 years has worked, played, studied, he even built a school of therapist from around the globe who work the healing part of this Eastern martial arts art Ninjutsu this segment is called Amatsu there are four segments to this therapy Anma, Seitai, Shinden Jutsu, Kenku Jutsus,

Here an Amatsu practitioner therapy balance includes: all muscles are reciprocally balanced, that is to say they are in a balanced tension with a partner. Similar to guide ropes acting on a tent pole to maintain its position If one muscle becomes unbalanced the opposing muscle must adapt for those changes, which often results in joint strains. In fact 90% of joint problems occur due to imbalanced muscle pulls, to evaluate a person’s problem; with muscle testing enables the practitioner to elicit both the weak muscles and the tight muscles in your body.

My intension is to bring to the public arena what this guy Dennis Bartram does on a daily basis to keep himself in peek condition to be able to do the things he does to demonstrate what he preaches to others works for him in this first post you will find 2 videos of the Budo element from where this video maintenance workshop will start from then I will show you his school teachings where and how he trains his practitioners then how he unwinds by using all these skills to work in his own garden paradise.
So Stay Tuned In!!

All my best to you and your better agility
Phillip Skinner