* I n s p i r a t i o n *
No one is going to get you healthy! YOU gotta get YOU healthy! I'm here to inspire you & motivate you! Don't get left behind by holding onto all the old thoughts & programming, as none of it was ever true anyways!So whatever it takes for YOU to get motivated, you gotta use that to get healthy!
Live Your Life lyrics (T.I.) - http://bit.ly/50ABFU The race toward discovering the key to this type of longevity still continues.
However, scientists have figured out that somewhere within our genetic makeup, some of us appear to have a mutation — a leg up, really — that stave’s off cellular death. It’s also possible that if researchers can identify the gene or genes responsible for long life, the rest of us can benefit through gene therapy.
Kevin and I get all kinds of questions about meditation and Mind-Body Training... so today I want to answer a question that comes up a lot:
"How Do I Get The Most From My Practice?"
Kevin has been practicing and teaching meditation for over 30 years. Here's the advice he gives to people who want to get started meditating (or get back on track):
1. Set up your environment for success!
Find a good place to meditate. Define your meditation environment in a quiet, secluded spot (as best you can).
Make sure you have a comfortable seat that is the right height. I suggest sitting on the front edge of a chair that puts your hips level with or slightly above your knees with your feet firmly on the floor.
2. Schedule it!
Schedule meditation in your day-timer or activity planner as you would any other important commitment. I suggest first thing in the morning or last thing at night as optimum times, but any consistent time will work.
3. Keep a journal!
This helps you track your progress and reminds you why you're doing it. Looking back over your journal will remind you of the work that you've done, track the positive shifts that you've experienced, and make your practice feel more substantial and worthwhile.
And above all, enjoy the journey!
Happy Practicing,
Matt Clarkson & Kevin Schoeninger
The Mind-Body Training Company
P.S. This breakthrough meditation technique creates radiant health and wellness by balancing your three key energy centers.
Now you can eliminate stress and anxiety, heal your blocks to success and enjoy a state of lasting emotional health and well-being -- without meditating for hours or forcing your brain to do anything unnatural:
The Rolling Stones - Official Artist Page on iLike - free music...
But the Stones set out to prove that writing brilliant songs and making powerful...
Check out the brand new video for "Plundered My Soul" exclusively on Yahoo!,
The Rolling Stones Is What Music Is All bout, Rock, N,Roll,
Entrustet - Free Digital Estate Planning Software, What Will Happen to Your Digital Assets after You're Gone? Entrustet is the best FREE way to protect ALL your digital assets...
Digital Estate Planning: What are Digital Assets?
If you go by the Wikipedia definition of digital assets (which has to be correct, right?) you get a very broad definition of digital assets. Wikipedia’s definition encompasses “any form of content and/or media that have been formatted into a binary source which include the right to use it. A digital file without the right to use it is not an asset. Digital assets are categorised in three major groups which may be defined as textual content, images and multimedia.”
We’ve simplified Wikipedia’s definition for personal digital assets like family photos, Facebook profiles, domain names and other online accounts. We believe that your personal digital assets consist of any online account that you own or any file that you store on your computer or that you store in the cloud. If you use our definition as a roadmap while you are filling out your Entrustet account, you’ll be able to easily recognize personal digital assets that you should protect.
Hey all - Ever thought about what would happen to all your digital assets if you were to suddenly die? FREE (for now) web service that apparently enables you to set up your digital assets so that the people you care about can receive those digital assets (domain accounts, affiliate accounts, email accounts, etc) with as little friction as possible, once you die. (Evidently the courts can make things very sticky if you don't have things set up properly)
One line read, 'Happiness is as a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, ... Sometimes we strive too hard to pursue happiness... That's It the whole dam secret right here play right now...
Happiness is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy. A variety of biological, psychological
Lazy Sunday Afternoon Lyrics, Small Faces... I've got no mind to worry / I close my eyes and drift away-a / Here we all are sittin' in a rainbow / Gor blimey hello Mrs. Jones
Take Time Out orAlways Wonder - Play Videos Together? Virtual Horse Riding - Ride Lucy - ride walk trot and canter Play Videos Together? (top one bottom one Yesss Together) You can live forever in paradise on earth! How can this be even remotely possible? - for now lets get into - Virtual World Entertainment - What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom? - Ask orWonder -simple example will answer your question. Knowledge is knowing tables. ... they are after seeking wisdom....Wisdom requires knowledge and intelligence thoughts - Knowledge Questions Seeking Wisdom Answers - Yesss
You can live forever in paradise on earth! How can this be even remotely possible? Well, isn't that what every normal human being longs for?
We all have that innate desire to be healthy, to stay forever young and live in peaceful paradise like conditions. We really don't look forward to the conditions of aging and the inevitable. Does it make any sense at all, that we work so hard all of our life -- acquiring a good education, earning a hard honest living, building a decent family life only to eventually lose it all because of aging, sickness; death?
That doesn't seem reasonable, does it? So there must be a real purpose to Life that makes more sense. Is this all Life has to offer? Why are we really here? Unfortunately renowned philosophers, theologians and politicians have failed miserably to provide satisfying answers; real solutions to all of the problems that faces mankind today.
So, where then can you find real answers to questions regarding your future? Do you have an honest heart and an open mind? We invite you to take "the road less traveled". Life is filled with priceless "hidden treasures" and we're here as your guide to help you find them. Please feel free to browse through the links on this page. They will help guide you through the hidden paths that leads to "Everlasting Life" in a Peaceful New World!
Professor Steve Ballantire's ordered bachelor life unravels when MI6 springs Hugo, the brilliant child of a British diplomat from Tel Aviv to Northeast England. The boy becomes Steve's protégée while his mother, Eva, becomes his dilemma. Tensions rise drastically when an old nemesis in pursuit of much more than the gifted child, leaves a trail of dead bodies behind while tracking Eva and Hugo to England.
The first book in a set of two, "The Meadow" is an epic love story involving four past lives where, across centuries and continents - from ancient Mexica to contemporary Pakistan, the lovers fail to meet. The story involves international espionage and intrigue, leaving the frustrated lovers with only one option - to re-unite in the Meadow, a celestial waterhole that exists between lives.
The devious abduction of Eva to the Himalaya Mountains drives the past and the present into a vortex of retribution, forcing Steve to confront the nemesis who had torn them apart for lifetimes.
BUREAUCRATIC SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and put them in a barn with everyone else's cows. They are cared for by ex-chicken farmers. You have to take care of the chickens the government took from the chicken farmers. The government gives you as much milk and eggs as the regulations say you need.
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