Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Art of being Rich

Wealth, however, is not money. Money is about persuading you to give up your abundance in exchange for something which is, intrinsically, completely worthless. The objective is to give to those who "print" money the power to control your life.

Money was, in fact, very little used until about 300 years ago.

We are now well into the next "phase" in which the value of money is steadily reduced in order to force you to invest steadily more effort into getting enough of it to survive. The more time and effort you put into getting money, the less you will notice of what is going on around you.

The creation of poverty has always been the prime tool for the creation of a dictatorship.

Money, however, belongs to the whole of mankind. That means that you, too, can do whatever you like with it. You do NOT need to supinely accept the crumbs which fall off the banker's table but can stand up and help yourself to as many armfuls of the stuff as you like.

Remember, the bankers can never take your power, they can only (successfully to date) persuade you to voluntarily give it to them! It's now time to take it back, isn't it? This is how:

The first thing that you need to do is to find your income comfort level. By this I mean the level at which an "inner voice" says, "I can do that". Say, for example, you're getting 1000 (Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Dinars, whatever they're called where you are) each month. Try closing your eyes and visualising getting 1100 each month. How does that feel? Disappointing or do you burst with joy? If your reaction is joy then this is the sum to work with. If it's disappointing, try 1150 then 1200 and so forth until you find your own joyous level.

Always, always, always bear in mind that this is not a competition but your personal joy and abundance. What you are happy to receive is perfect for you. What others may do belongs to their life path and has nothing whatsoever to do with you. You are here to practice being who YOU want to be!

 Please click this link to view the entire 93 page book

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