Excellent information being shared below here's only 10 of the 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business First Steps50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business | chrisbrogan.com
1. Build an account and immediate start using Twitter Search to listen for your name, your competitor’s names, words that relate to your space.
Very Important point as you will soon find out! so take note and start your way to success with twitter the right way
(Listening always comes first.)
2. Add a picture. ( Shel reminds us of this.) We want to see you.
3. Talk to people about THEIR interests, too. I know this doesn’t sell more widgets, but it shows us you’re human.
4. Point out interesting things in your space, not just about you.
5. Share links to neat things in your community. ( @wholefoods does this well).
6. Don’t get stuck in the apology loop. Be helpful instead. ( @jetblue gives travel tips.)
7. Be wary of always pimping your stuff. Your fans will love it. Others will tune out.
8. Promote your employees’ outside-of-work stories. ( @TheHomeDepot does it well.)
9. Throw in a few humans, like RichardAtDELL, LionelAtDELL, etc.
10. Talk about non-business, too, like @astrout and @jstorerj from Mzinga.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business | chrisbrogan.com
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Get Your MIND OUT of The BOX!
Or you want to exercise , but keep forgetting to put your gym clothes in the car.

What causes this interference with your good intentions? The same part of you that TV ads use to program your actions -- your subconscious mind.
Your subconscious mind determines most of what you do -- whether you like it or not. But celebrities like Tiger Woods and Anthony Robbins say subliminal messages are a key part of their success. And if they can use subliminal messages to help them, so can you!
A really great way to do this is to flash positive subliminal messages on your computer while you work, surf the Internet, write letters, or play games.
Your conscious mind can't comprehend these messages, but your subconscious instantly soaks them up. Just customize the messages for what YOU want to change: Lose weight, gain confidence, quit smoking... the choice is yours.
Harness the power of your subconscious mind to make the changes you want in your life.
Lots More Info! Land On Your Feet ezine
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The easy way to get the big picture about the work and writings of Seth Godin
The easy way to get the big picture about the work and writings of Seth Godin WRITER of bestselling books about marketing. SPEAKER with a unique style and great reputation. ENTREPRENEUR with a track record.Seth's blog just reached its 3000th post. It is currently ranked by Technorati as the #1 blog in the world written by a single individual.
This page has links to blog posts, free ebooks and more.Seth's best blog posts from the last 2 years
#1 The secret of the web (hint: it's a virtue)
#2 You should write an ebook
#3 Tribe Management
#5 Understanding the funnel
#6 The web doesn't care
#7 Starting over with customer service
#8 Make something happen
#9 How to create a great website
#10 How to get traffic for your blog
#11 The Long Tail and the Dip
#12 Permission Marketing
#13 Seth's Blog: Building an albatross
#14 Seven tips to build for meaning
#15 Looking for trouble
#16 Top 10 Secrets of the Marketing Process
#17 One, a few, most or all
#18 Nine things marketers ought to know about salespeople (and two bonuses)
#19 How to create a good enough website
#20 The intangibles
#21 Seth's Blog: The forces of mediocrity
#22 Hungry
#23 What do you know?
#24 Seth's Blog: Rough edges and attention
#25 Seth's Blog: Urgent personal finance advice
#26 Seth's Blog: The spirit of the game
#27 Seth's Blog: Memo to the very small
Read All About IT!!! Seth Godin!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
You really need to write your own content, to update your blog on a regular basis
If you’ve never used speech recognition software before, I think you’re going to be amazed by how much time you can save by talking your concepts, ideas, and thoughts into your favorite word processing program and having your ideas come to life at the speed of sound.
It’s human nature to think and speak. Thinking and writing can be a more complicated process. Once you have an idea or concept in your head is simply a matter of putting on your headphones and speaking in your natural voice as you watch the words that you’re speaking as almost magically appear on your page.
Personally, I’m a Mac guy. While I run virtual machines on my Mac to run programs that will only run on a PC, 95% of the work that I do is all based on the Mac, so I’m actually writing this article with a program called MacSpeech Dictate. Not only can you speak words that are transcribed, but you can also control 80-90% of the commands that you usually use a keyboard and mouse for, with your voice. How to write a unique 519 word article in less than 16 minutes at the speed of sound
NextGen Links: Zoom
Friday, February 13, 2009
Create content faster than you dreamed possible!
Record time 400 + words thank you. ... 2009-02-01Researching for articles can be daunting to say the least. with Answer-Analyst the questions and answers come immediately. what, why,was,is,does and more! Your software breaks it into many sections. Writing a 400 plus word article was done in record time. Thanks.
Michael Holthuysen www.websitepromotionservicesreview.com/software.php Michael Holthuysen,
I'm now an expert on anything, and everything! ... 2009-02-01Thank you Jonathan, This is undoubtedly the must have tool for 2009. My only complaint is - Why wasn't this around a couple of years ago. I've spent a (not so) small fortune on PLR articles, ghostwriters, etc. over the last few years. Never again though. Thanks to Answer Analyst I can bash out articles on ANY and EVERY subject at anytime.I'll say it again. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Daniel Gulberry www.cars-donate.com Daniel Gulberry,
Another Home Run! (Or Is It a Touchdown?) ... 2009-02-01Jon, you products consistently deliver. Answer-Analyst is no exception. It is super speedy and returns awesome answers. I usually do OK with research, but this is going to save me loads of time. Thanks for my new digital research assistant!
Art Turner www.makeyourownsuccess.com Art Turner,
Webmaster's dream come true ... 2009-02-01 Answer Analyst is the perfect answer to a content starved webmaster's prayer !. I always wanted help to write my own content this problem is now solved. No more wasting time hunting for content on the web and worrying about duplicate content penalty.Jonathan, I think you have revolutionized content creation. The internet marketing community owes you a lot.Thank you and all the best for more excellent programs.
Eric Alexander www.internet-cash-4u.com Eric Alexander,
Jon, You Did It Again!!!!! Awesome! ... 2009-02-01Jon, The Answer Analyst is just fantastic. I loved your IAW Pro and did not think that you could beat it but YOU DID!Less than 1 hour after getting the Answer Analyst I had produced a 5 page report for my site visitors. I have never found anything so quick and so easy.Thank you Jon, you are the best.
BrianBrian McQuirk www.customskateboardstore.com Brian McQuirk,
I've Always Known ... 2009-02-01Jonathan,For one so young, you are incredible. Each piece of software you write stands head and shoulders above all the competition."Answer-Analyst" constitutes a landmark in website design and promotion.In times like these we have chosen to feature the best of the income producing software on our "Members Only" website so that the people will have the capability of doing for themselves on the Internet without having to pay promotional firms."AnswerAnalysts" will be our one of our featured software programs for a long time to come.I'm certain many will thank you for your contribution.
Andrew J. Horwitz websiteadvertising.com Andrew J. Horwitz*,
Another home run! ... 2009-02-01This is exactly what I needed to help me research articles for my dog website. This product alone will save me hundreds of hours per month!Dog Searcher - Andrew Mills www.dogsearcher.com Dog Searcher - Andrew Mills*****
Greatest Tool for Article Marketing Content You'll Ever Need ... 2009-02-01Our ghost writers love it and the productivity and the quality of the content they get to create the articles to promote our many websites is now, thanks to ANSWER ANALYST, far better: more specific, more balanced and more complete.Aileen Fitzharris www.berrysistible.com Aileen Fitzharris*****
Totally AWESOME! :) ... 2009-02-01I thought Instant Article Wizard was the Ultimate for Articles.Wow, now with Answer Analyst I am truly an unstoppable Article and Ebook God!Soooo much information at my fingertips in literally SECONDS!It doesn't get any EASIER than this!Thanks a Million!JoelJoel Harbour www.ArtFanatix.com Joel Harbour.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
TweeterGetter .::. Get 15,625 New Twitter Followers In 30 Days!
So you're looking to get a massive following on twitter?Just ONE TWEET can make it happen, but before I show you how, answer the quick question below...Imagine you got 1 twitter follower today, and that number doubled every day for 1 month, how many followers do you think you would have?Answer now: 1,000 10,000 10 millionThe correct answer is: Over 10 million followers!Now, that's not likely to happen, but you can exploit this same viral phenomenon to generate thousands of real twitter followers in next to no time at all!So how does this system work?The concept is simple, when you retweet the message in the form below, you will automatically start following the 6 people in front of you in the system.
A message posted on your twitter will automatically be formated with your unique link. Meaning that when people follow through to this site, they will have to follow you in position 1 to use the system themselves.Now when those people refer others via their link, their new followers will also follow you in position 2 and so on down 5 levels deep. By the time you reach the 5th position, you will have thousands, if not tens of thousands of new twitter followers... and it NEVER stops growing!A quick example... TweeterGetter .::. Get 15,625 New Twitter Followers In 30 Days!