Or you want to exercise , but keep forgetting to put your gym clothes in the car.

What causes this interference with your good intentions? The same part of you that TV ads use to program your actions -- your subconscious mind.
Your subconscious mind determines most of what you do -- whether you like it or not. But celebrities like Tiger Woods and Anthony Robbins say subliminal messages are a key part of their success. And if they can use subliminal messages to help them, so can you!
A really great way to do this is to flash positive subliminal messages on your computer while you work, surf the Internet, write letters, or play games.
Your conscious mind can't comprehend these messages, but your subconscious instantly soaks them up. Just customize the messages for what YOU want to change: Lose weight, gain confidence, quit smoking... the choice is yours.
Harness the power of your subconscious mind to make the changes you want in your life.
Lots More Info! Land On Your Feet ezine
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Imagine this ... you can eat what you like to eat without breaking all the killing yourself by using the rule of (everything in moderation body/mind rules) right now has this got your attention you betcha it has? ... in all these years of following Dennis Bartram's pathway to better age-agility-ability ... by owning a copy of his book Active Balance Health Through Integration 1989 edition
Now twenty years later I've suddenly picked up this book once again and seen its content through different eyes ... my inner wisdom eye! within this mind set to use as my flexibility guide book and have taken my favorite snippets and materialized them into my daily routine which I do on a daily basis at least once but normally 3 times a day because its fun it works and its easy to implement into my time management, my daily bizzy busy schedule.
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