You can achieve anything you set your mind to; yes, you can!!!
“I’ll go anywhere as long as it’s forward.” D.Livingstone
This week I’d like to share with you one of my beliefs, whereby, I strongly believe that you can achieve anything you set your mind to and to prove that, here is a story!
Dublin, Ireland, is the annual host city of the biggest all women’s event of its kind in the world. Every year, on the June bank holiday weekend, over 40,000 women take part in the Women’s Mini Marathon, a 10k race, raising millions for charities, where women can run, jog, walk and even crawl!
I have been doing that race for a few years now, in the walking category. Back in November 2008, I challenged myself and decided to run it in 2009. Now, to paint you a picture, I was not a runner and had never ran before and would actually be out of breath when running for a few meters.
I did not let that affect me…! I set my mind to running the 2009 event and then I started training. I must admit, it was a challenge and I loved it!!! I clearly remember how focused I was and proud of my first 1km! Then 3km, then 5km (woohoo!), then 7km, then 9km and then on a glorious day on a Sunday morning, my first 10km, I was completely thrilled. I had done it. Still though, the race was in a few weeks time, so I kept on practicing.
And, last week, on June 1st 2009, I am delighted to report that I officially did it!!! I run my first 10km race and within the qualifying time to be placed next year, in front of the walkers! Call in on my site to watch my video - Let your inner pumpkin shine, Frederique
And, that is “Can do Attitude!”. Inspiration « Pumpkin and Co. Ltd.
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