Sunday, December 27, 2009

Article Marketing - The 7 steps to Article Marketing

7 steps to Article Marketing

I've just finished writing up my 7 steps to article marketing plan which at the moment is in the very early stages. I have had this idea for a while now and although through doing research I've found many other blogs and websites which have a mass of information talking about article marketing. I thought that with my own personal experience and way of writing I will be able to make my 7 steps to article marketing a little different and a little unique.

This is basically an introduction to what is coming up in my 7 steps to article marketing and to tell you what the main titles will be for this series. You may know that I have an article series on going already called 11 things to consider before you start blogging which talks about my own personal mistakes that I have made since I first started blogging and shares my own advice on how to ensure you don’t make the same mistakes or others. Well this is going to be quite similar in the way its written, I am a firm believer that something isn’t unique unless you add your own experiences, opinions or express something that you believe your self within your articles. So thats what I try to do in many of my articles.

This new series will take a look at article marketing, one very popular form of internet marketing and one that is commonly used by many affiliate marketers.

The series will comprise of these 7 chapters:

Chapter 1: What is article marketing?

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