You can't afford not to read this…Dear Fed Up Friend,
If you’re battling one new health problem after another (and going broke while you’re at it)…
If you’re not getting better, no matter how many expensive prescriptions and crazy medical tests they force on you…
If you’ve had enough of high-priced everything…
Then please keep and use this little book!
Let the “poor man’s” secrets
that have healed thousands of people,
WORK FOR YOU!In the pages ahead, I’m going to tell you the only three secrets you need to know to keep away from doctors, hospitals, drugs…and the enormous cost of each!
You’ll discover…
Secret #1:
How to use single, inexpensive solutions
to wipe out a whole slew of problems.Like…
• The 3-cent nutrient that blasts away fatigue, depression, and joint pain. It even halts memory loss, lowers high cholesterol, and improves circulation!
• The inexpensive nectar that stops everything from constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, and ulcers to eczema, headaches, and allergies!Secret #2:
Sunday, January 31, 2010
You can't afford not to read the “poor man’s” secrets
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I guarantee that this phenomenal young man will put you in a better frame of mind for this day
Patrick Henry Hughes was born March 10, 1988 to Patrick John and Patricia Hughes. Upon his delivery, the medical staff noticed physical anomalies. These were diagnosed as bilateral anophthalmia with pterygium syndrome and congenital bilateral hip dysplasia,
His father, Patrick John Hughes, introduced him to the piano at the age of nine months. Patrick has studied piano in the years since and later began the study of trumpet.
I Gotta Feeling You Will Like This Tune Too
Favorite song by them and just love this video too! - I like most have run hot and cold with this band - The album seems to implode in on itself, song after song, same after same. I then discussed the album with a friend who convinced me I had to listen again to I Gotta Feelin' - Reluctant at first, I listened and loved it.
Then I saw the video and I loved it even more (I wish all my nights out were like that!!)
More Than a Song - But but In my opinion, this is a 5 star show.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Life is not holding a good hand; Life is playing a poor hand well.
Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Harriet Hodgson – Author Spotlight
Harriet Hodgson – Author SpotlightExpert Author Harriet Hodgson, BS, MA, is in today's Author Spotlight.
Harriet is not your typical article marketer. She started out as a teacher and earned a BS with honors from Wheelock College in Boston, MA. She went on to earn an MA in Art Education from the University of Minnesota and did additional graduate work. After spending a dozen years in the classroom, she changed careers and turned to writing.
She's now been an Independent Journalist for more than 30 years and is the author of 27 published books and hundreds of print and electronic articles. She's a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, the Association of Health Care Journalists, and the Association for Death Education and Counseling. Amazingly, she is also an active GRG (grandparent raising grandchildren) of teens.
Harriet's education and life experience give her a unique and wise position from which to write her articles. In many ways she is a model for combining article marketing with passion and expertise to benefit not only herself, but her readers as well.
You may not have the benefits of Harriet’s education and expertise (few of us do!), but that doesn’t mean you can’t experience comparable success with your article marketing.
Here are 5 lessons from Harriet that you can put into practice today:
- Write about what you know and are passionate about.
- Just write! Sometimes opportunities come from unexpected directions.
- Don’t make excuses for not writing articles. Everybody has demands on their time, energy and concentration.
- Strive for quality and read your articles aloud before you submit them.
- Enter your author name in search engines and use what you find to gain new information.
Now put these lessons to good use by writing a whole new crop of fresh, high-quality articles. Speaking of crops, don’t forget to make hay while the sun shines! Article review times are still less than 24 business hours, so now’s the time to get that backlog of articles written and submitted.
We asked Harriet to share some of her experience and expertise with the rest of the EzineArticles community.
And leave a comment for Harriet. I’m sure she’d love to hear from you. :)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
No time to hit the gym because you’re always stuck at the office?
You Will Need
* A desk
* A desk chair with wheels
Step 1: Work your arms
Work your arms. While seated, lift your feet and push your chair back with your arms. When they’re fully extended, pull the chair back to the desk. Do this five times a few times a day to work your biceps, triceps, and pectorals.
Step 2: Do the funky chicken
Do the funky chicken. Place your fingers on your shoulders, elbows pointing out to the sides. Pull your elbows back as far as you can, then push them forward and try to touch them together. Repeat 10 times.
Step 3: Do more funky chicken
Do the funky chicken, part two. Keeping your fingertips on your shoulders, lift your elbows up and then push them down to your sides, as if you’re flapping wings. Repeat 10 times to relax shoulder and upper back muscles and relieve neck tension.
Step 4: Work your back
Work your triceps and back. Put your right hand over your shoulder, touching your upper back. Reach your left hand behind you and try to join your hands. Hold for five. Do this three times several times a day on both sides.
One side will be much easier for you, depending on your dominant side.
Step 5: Tone that butt
Tone that butt by squeezing and holding your butt cheeks for five to ten seconds. Repeat six to eight times several times a day. For maximum results, squeeze as tight as you can.
As you get out of your chair throughout the day, try to use only your leg muscles, leaving your arms at your sides and keeping your spine straight. This gives the muscles in your legs a quick workout.
Step 6: Let’s twist
Let’s twist. Put your left hand on the back of your right armrest, and slowly twist your torso towards the right. Repeat with your right hand and left arm rest. This relaxes the lower back and trims the tummy and waist.
Step 7: Hug your hamstring
Work your lower body, hamstrings, and quadriceps. Put your hands under your right thigh and pull your knee toward your chest. Extend your leg straight out in front of you and hold for a few seconds. Do five reps with each leg.
How To Deskercize Video | General Office Life Videos |
Friday, January 22, 2010
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Monday, January 18, 2010
Now, Whoever Said History Was Boring!
They used to use urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all pee in a pot & then once a day it was taken & sold to the tannery. If you had to do this to survive you were, "Piss Poor", but worse than that, were the really poor folk, who couldn’t even afford to buy a pot, they "Didn’t have a pot to Piss in" & were the lowest of the low.
The next time you are washing your hands and complain, because the water temperature isn't just how you like it, think about how things used to be.
Here are some facts about the 1500’s: Most people got married in June, because they took their yearly bath in May and they still smelled pretty good by June. However, since they were starting to smell, brides carried a bouquet of flowers, to hide the body odour.
Hence the custom today, of carrying a bouquet when getting married...
Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children, ‘Last of all the babies’ by then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the Bath water!"
Houses had thatched roofs, thick straw piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof. Hence the saying "It's raining cats and dogs."
There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom, where bugs and other droppings could mess up your nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top, afforded some protection. That's how canopy beds came into existence.
The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt, ‘Hence the saying’ "Dirt Poor." The wealthy had slate floors, that would get slippery in the winter when wet, so they spread thresh (straw) on floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they added more thresh, until, when you opened the door, it would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entrance-way. Hence: a thresh hold. (Getting quite an education, aren't you?)
Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special. When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon, to show off. It was a sign of wealth that a man could, "Bring home the Bacon." They would cut off a little, to share with guests and would all sit around talking and ''Chew the fat''.
Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning & death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous.
Bread was divided, according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or ''The Upper Crust''.
Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky. The combination would sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up. ‘Hence the custom of’ ''Holding a Wake''.
Now, whoever said History was boring!! So . . . get out there and educate someone! Share these facts with a friend, like I just did!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Five Sweet Web Analytics Resolutions To Kick It Up A Notch
Web Analytics Blog | Occam's Razor by Avinash KaushikFive Sweet Web Analytics Resolutions To Kick It Up A Notch
The new year is such a wonderful time. Wonderful smells in the air. The world is full of hope. Unachievable things seem achievable and are being polished into shiny resolutions. World peace seems within grasp.
As we spring to action full of passion I wanted to share with you all a short list of things that will expand your little world of online marketing & web analytics.
We all have a tendency of getting caught in a rut, using the same tool to do the same things and spew forth the same data. Change is hard, even if we know that we should be executing a multiplicity strategy to win in the web analytics 2.0 world.
Before all the excitement of the new year wears out, here are five simple things I would love for you to try so that your company will have a glorious truly data driven 2010!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
How To Become a Gmail Ninja
Gmail: TipsBecome a Gmail Ninja
Learn tips and tricks to save time, increase your productivity, and manage your email efficiently. Start with the tips that are right for you, based on how much email you get each day.
- White belt
- Green belt
- Black belt
- Gmail master
White belt: I get a few messages a day
- Use stars to indicate a note is special.
Use stars to easily mark certain messages as important or indicate that you need to reply to them later. Try Superstars in Gmail Labs for more star options.
Learn more »
- Reply by chat.
Before you respond to an email, check the footer of the message to see if the other person is online. If they're available, you can save time by clicking "Reply by chat" and get them in real-time rather than over email.
Learn more »
- Organize your email with labels.
Labels do the work of folders, plus you can add more than one to a single message. Give important emails brightly colored labels, and you'll be able to scan your inbox and quickly find the good stuff.
Learn more »
- Clean up your inbox using "Move to" -- it works just like folders.
You can use the "Move to" button at the top of your inbox to easily move a message out of your inbox and add a label at the same time -- just as if you were moving it to a folder. If you have lots of labels, you can pick the one you want by typing the first couple characters and let auto-complete find the right one.
Learn more »
- Search your mail instead of sorting.
Instead of sorting by date or sender, you can enter keywords in the Gmail search box to find the exact message you're looking for. It works just like Google search: if you're looking for a message that contains the word "shopping," simply type shopping in the search box and press Search Mail.
Learn more »
- Archive messages to tidy up your inbox without deleting anything.
Gmail gives you tons of free storage space so you can save everything you want. While messages in your trash get deleted after 30 days, archived messages are kept forever. Archiving messages moves them out of your inbox and into "All Mail" for safekeeping, so you can search for them later. It's like moving old email to a giant storage room that you never have to organize.
Monday, January 11, 2010
PPC book Pay Per Click Masterclass
Written by PPC expert Ian Howie, Wordtracker's latest e-book Wordtracker Masterclass: Google AdWords PPC Advertising lays out a practical, step-by-step process for Adwords success.
Use the proven method outlined in this guide, and you'll be able to build a thriving, cash-generating AdWords campaign while steering clear of the most common PPC pitfalls.
PPC book | Pay Per Click Masterclass
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Thirty Day Challenge Coming Home Seminar Kenny Goodmans Blog
Kenny Goodman Blog | Thirty Day Challenge Coming Home Seminar | Kenny Goodmans Blog#TDCHome Recap & First Ever Blog!
posted: December 4th, 2009
What better day to do my first blog post than the week after the totally awesome Thirty Day Challenge Coming Home Seminar in Manchester! Hashed as #TDCHome on Twitter!
The dust is settling and our good friends from down under are back in the sunshine leaving a wet & cold Manchester behind.
It was a monumental weekend for me and although I spent a lot of it absolutely crapping myself about having to properly present for the first time on the Sunday I was able to take in some juicy nuggets throughout.
It wasn’t just a weekend of information though. It was a weekend of meeting and bonding with some fantastic people and a weekend I will remember for the rest of my life.
The event started on the Friday morning with Ed Dale warming up the audience nicely with some home truths about building & launching products. The theme – “don’t wait to produce the perfect product before getting it out of the door, just get on with it and stop p*ssing around!” – rang out loud in lot’s of ears whilst Donal, Nathan and I were caught sheepishly glancing at each other throughout. Hence me setting up this blog this week!
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Get ready to update 50 social networks from Seesmic has more than half a million active users who post daily from any device just by sending an email, a text message or chat - simple tools that existed since the early stages of the Internet are available on all connected devices. This is why is extremely easy to use and access -just send an update and it can touch on 50 social networks including Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Ning, WordPress, TypePad, Yammer, and many more. is compatible with every single Internet device in the world, which is why it has become so successful among thousands of users. / Update all of your social networks at once!
Friday, January 01, 2010
WebComp Analyst
That's cool, but perhaps you'll believe this REAL customer's INCREDIBLE story about what WebComp Analyst does for him EVERY DAY:
I use WCA every single day - multiple times a day!
I have to say that WebCompAnalyst is one of only 2 SEO tools that I use for helping me decide, with scary accuracy, the BEST keywords to target for my URLs to get lots of FREE traffic from a top ranking in Google.
With just one click of its "Analyze Competition" button, I can spot keywords that are very likely to appear in Google's top 10 results - within SECONDS.
I combine this tool with Google's free Keyword Tool to QUICKLY find HIGHLY-SEARCHED keywords to target. What used to take me WEEKS to do, I can now do them in a FRACTION of the time.
You can't imagine my joy when Jonathan released this software about 2 years ago. It keeps getting better and better all the time - and I continue to count my good blessings to have discovered it when I did.
You see, it's like having a full-time employee working for you and ON CALL 24 hours a day doing all the research for you. However, you don't have to pay him a salary every single month, since WCA is a LOW one-time cost. It also does the job faster, never gets bored doing it, and never calls in sick!
I love it so much that I use it every single day, multiple times a day. I not only use it to spot new keywords with high potential of a top 10 listing, but also to check on my URLs rising up the rankings in Google after I've set a backlinking campaign in motion, knowing for sure that I'm on the right track.
ALL my students in my potent Google Magic System coaching program are required to buy it in their quest to getting top Google rankings themselves for keywords relevant to their URLs.
There's NOTHING else like WCA on the market, and I've used practically all of them.
So yes, I can't recommend it highly enough. Go GET it NOW.
There you have it -- out of the mouth (or keyboard!) of yet another VERY satisfied WebComp Analyst customer.
So in the first 2010 keywords of above, "Go GET it NOW"!
Here's the link:
And here's to your success
WebComp Analyst
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Discover the hidden secrets about RSSLet The Power Of RSS Place Your Content All Over The World Wide Web, Driving You An Endless Supply Of Traffic And Dollars Starting Today... Long-Awaited, Fabulous E-book that closes down the loopholes of all conventional online marketing methods has finally been released!Internet Marketers and Publishers, don't stick to the same old slow & tired methods of advertising and publishing when you can have a magnificent strategy called RSS doing all of the hard work for you!!!