Monday, November 24, 2008

“The Content Syndication Network”

Are you a plugged-in blogger on and around the internet Businesses as well as marketers have to realize that they need to become part of the conversation in the social media. Nothing travels faster than word of mouth when you use these technologies. So when people are looking at getting involved in social media and getting connected, probably the most important thing they need to realize is that you have this opportunity to really be active and connected with these people. And as you build that trust, they're much more likely to come to you when they're ready to do business.

So it's a different model. Instead of just going out there and making pitch after pitch until somebody finally raises their hand and says, "I'm interested," instead, you provide service. You give. You develop that bond of trust and familiarity so people know you, like you, trust you. Ultimately, I think you wind up with people coming to you for business, rather than you going out to find them. Social media allows you to brand yourself in ways never possible before. When you're branding yourself, you're sharing content in one form or another. That content needs to be enlightening or educational or entertaining. When you want to capture people's attention, you've got to target one of those 3 things, because that is what they want. “The Content Syndication Network”

When you share that type of information consistently with your audience via social media - and it doesn't have to be your own content, it can be links to other good content - you brand your name once again into your followers' minds. It gives them reason to trust you, once they start connecting you to quality time after time after time. You're not out there pitching things. Instead, you're giving them enlightening, educational or entertaining content that is of interest to them. And they will find your big red "BUY" button without you having to push it in their face. MAJOR POINT: You may have heard the term "social media marketing". You need to understand that no order of marketing can take place until you have engaged in "social media networking" first. Marketing can never precede networking.

This membership is designed to show you how to build an online asset that you can count on at all times. An asset that continues to compound and grow over the years... An asset that does not die and have to be re-built. Our staff is your staff, for a fixed monthly cost you will have access to over 100 years of Internet and marketing experience. Let us do the research while you implement tried and proven strategies. This membership is designed in a way that experts can skip ahead and beginners can get up-to-speed quickly. There is a support forum for each section of this membership to access our staff or other members at any time. This membership is designed to facilitate high search engine visibility while building large social networks centered around your business at the same time. It is the goal of this membership to deliver this asset to you but as in any educational process, you must act to see results. “The Content Syndication Network”

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