Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Indicators Target 1a: Reduce by half the proportion of people living on less than a dollar a day * 1.1 Proportion of population below $1 (PPP) per day * 1.2 Poverty gap ratio * 1.3 Share of poorest quintile in national consumption target 1b: Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people * 1.4 Growth rate of GDP per person employed * 1.5 Employment-to-population ratio * 1.6 Proportion of employed people living below $1 (PPP) per day * 1.7 Proportion of own-account and contributing family workers in total employment target 1c: Reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger * 1.8 Prevalence of underweight children under-five years of age * 1.9 Proportion of population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption ... Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Turning of the Tide
Exposing the real story behind global events, which shape the future of human existence and the world we leave our children. The veil lifts on an astonishing web of interconnected manipulation to reveal that the same few people, secret societies and organizations control the daily direction of our lives, & how the same people on apparently different sides of politics are actually connected to the same elite organizations.
These organizations have the same proven agenda of a world government, a world central bank, a world army, a world currency, and some say a micro-chipped population. "OPPO-SAMES" These apparent opposites in politics are there to persuade us that we are not living in a prison, that we have a choice. Yet these persons are not opposites at all but are part of a one-party state. The last two US Presidents were apparently opposites and on different sides - Bill Clinton and George Bush - yet they were both heavily involved within the same elite organizations.
David Icke explains: "What happens in practice is that if you look at all the dogmas in all cultures, all societies have what I call a 'hassle-free zone.' It is that area within any culture, within each dogma (religious, economic, political etc) wherein if you conform to it, you are in the comfort zone. No one's going to laugh at you, condemn you for being different, or for expressing your uniqueness, because you are locked into the herd mentality, and you are conforming to what you are told you should be and do. When you step out of this mind-set and express your unique aspect of all that exists and refuse to be frightened, or controlled, you immediately face ridicule or condemnation as I have in England."
"THE SHEEPLE" "Whatever happened to living? The vast majority of people, rich and poor, on this planet are enslaved. Enslaved by the system's robotic programming, its economic imprisonment, and by their own refusal to think, question and find the liberation that comes with an open mind. We don't live in a free society, we live as robots in a society in which you are free to do what the society wants you to do - produce and consume - that's the reality." A "MUST READ" PDF book for understanding how the fraud really affects you and what you can do about it: Turning of the Tide
PS: Play this before you leave
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Kelly McParland: Lament of the baby boomers - Full Comment
So Boomers -- at least those few who thought beyond the next Visa bill -- were forced to face the necessity of saving for their old age. It went against all their instincts, which cry out “consume! consume! consume!”, but the investing business made it all sound safe and easy, even fun. Remember Freedom 55, the advertising campaign that suggested we could all retire rich, like ... tomorrow? It worked because it fed the fantasy we all lived by, i.e. that just a few more years and we can escape to a life of cocktails and golf.
All you had to do, according to the investment gurus, was set up an RRSP, siphon off regular contributions, and let the magic of the market do the rest. Yes there were risks, but that’s why you paid a fee to the advisors, so they could apply their expertise to safeguarding your capital. They would “diversify.” They would tap into foreign markets, because Canada’s was too small to offer security. They would come up with new products that offered safety and regular returns. Income Trusts! Yeah, that was a good one.
Technology stocks! Commodities! GICs, which guarantee a return, were bad, because the profit was small. You had to take a risk to make the money you’d need in retirement (which, we were told, had to be approximately 100% of our pre-retirement income if we wanted to foot our share of the drinks at Happy Hour) Kelly McParland: Lament of the baby boomers - Full Comment
Monday, November 24, 2008
“The Content Syndication Network”
Are you a plugged-in blogger on and around the internet Businesses as well as marketers have to realize that they need to become part of the conversation in the social media. Nothing travels faster than word of mouth when you use these technologies.
So it's a different model. Instead of just going out there and making pitch after pitch until somebody finally raises their hand and says, "I'm interested," instead, you provide service. You give. You develop that bond of trust and familiarity so people know you, like you, trust you. Ultimately, I think you wind up with people coming to you for business, rather than you going out to find them.
When you share that type of information consistently with your audience via social media - and it doesn't have to be your own content, it can be links to other good content - you brand your name once again into your followers' minds.
This membership is designed to show you how to build an online asset that you can count on at all times. An asset that continues to compound and grow over the years... An asset that does not die and have to be re-built.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Internet Entrepreneur Announces Launch of New Book Project Titled, Gust Do It!, If Balls Weren't Round, The World Would Still Be Flat
For example, whether justified or not, one may become the target of negative publicity (civil lawsuits, slanderous bloggings, white collar crime, etc.) whereby a multi-platformed online press and image strategy is required to quickly create positive spin and buzz. All such work is fee based determined by scope of work and done strictly on a confidential basis. Currently helping companies and individuals improve their bottom lines through improved customer visibility, online relations and traffic conversion when challenged by the fast moving messages over the Internet and blogosphere.
Mr. Krasnow is specifically focusing in online reputation management and repair for individuals and companies in need of responding to an online crisis by removing negative web pages and posts that may have been created by competitors or others who in any way disparage their name and/or brand. For example, whether justified or not, one may become the target of negative publicity (civil lawsuits, slanderous bloggings, white collar crime, etc.) whereby a multi-platformed online press and image strategy is required to quickly create positive spin and buzz. All such work is fee based determined by scope of work and done strictly on a confidential basis. Internet Entrepreneur Announces Launch of New Book Project Titled, Gust Do It!, If Balls Weren't Round, The World Would Still Be Flat
Friday, November 21, 2008
Twitter Handbook — How good people make BIG things happen - FAST!
How good people make BIG things happen - FAST!
- What Does Your Twitter Grade or Rank Mean? - 2008-11-15 18:29:15-05
In the top 10 words on Twitter, I noticed “TwitterRank“ Yes, once again, an site looks at your profile and give you a grade. - Fun to play, not really much information to help you use Twitter better. Quoting @ryochiji, who wrote this toy, the Mashable story:
- As for Twitterank’s future, it’s self-deprecating developer probably describes it best:
- Local Newspaper Relies On Twitter and TwitPic - 2008-11-16 22:46:42-05
It’s been a busy day on Twitter. The Twitter Moms have been roaring about a Motrin ad, it was the top search term under - #motrinmoms plus as high as #3 for #motrin. My take on the bad ad was posted earlier today on the Twitter Moms site As of this writing,
- the offending ad was taken
- Review of TweetLater and NEW Features of this Twitter Tool - 2008-11-17 18:59:32-05
I’ve been holding off reviewing and recommending Tweetlater becuase so many tweeps in Stage 2 use the autoresponder to try to sell me. - I’m not against auto-responders (remember “no rules”).. but annoyed at the “hey check out my blog” copy that most use. I’ve been using
- TweetLater for months to send a post that I
- Ad Age and NY Times on the Power of Twitter to Make or Break a Brand - 2008-11-18 02:46:16-05
Advertising Age weighed in on the #motrinmoms incident from this weekend “[It was] amazing to have that happen over 48 hours, - on a weekend in the blogosphere,” she said. “People are now spreading around the apology; it’s such an immediate time frame.” Indeed,
- seven of the top 10 search returns today for “Motrin” and “headache”
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Formula of Success An Internet Business
This article goes over one such formula that you can use to start your own successful website.
Formula of Success An Internet Business
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
SRDS - Mailing list research
Trust SRDS List Data for Your Plans
Feel confident that you're considering the most current, complete information about all available options.
• Over 60,000 datacards - Identify ideal domestic and international list rental opportunities from 230 convenient business and consumer market classifications
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Target Effectively Through Convenient Searches
Flexible searches allow you to uncover all viable, effective options. Search easily by:
• Keyword - Category search by keyword or phrase across business, consumer or insert media
• Featured Lists - Identify managers' top-performing lists
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• Market Classification - Review lists in a given market alphabetically or by relevant keywords
• Broker/Manager/Owner/Compiler Search - Find various types of list-industry players
• List Title - Access specific lists right away
• High-ticket Buyers - Examine lists that contain names of 50+ mail order buyers
• E-Mail Lists - Leverage one-to-one marketing via e-mail lists
• New Listings and List Management Changes - Locate the latest opportunities available to reach new audiences with this quick search
• Enhanced Lists - Find lists overlaid with demographics or lifestyles to connect to specific market segments
Search results can be scanned quickly for top-line evaluation or viewed in detail.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
"The Secret to You" visualization tool ...
The Joys of Living Alone | Mail Online
I totally agree with your article. I was divorced after being married 33 three years. I just did not realize what a favour my ex had done to me. My life is lovely now. I have sorted out a job and settled into my doll's house two bed terrace. I come out of work worn out but with a big smile on my face and feeling so happy that I can go home alone. I would like to go out for a meal with male company just for a bit of different conversation but girl friends it is for the time being but that's ok. My ex very quickly moved in with someone else and I hear is not very happy but I certainly am hooray!
- Kay, edenbridge kent, 16/3/2008 15:55
The Joys of Living Alone | Mail Online
Pulsedirectory.com - Web Directory
Well in between posting this I'm submitting to directories right now and if I
thought it was not worth it then I wouldn't but I continue to use them.
Only a handful out of 100? what is your site about? can you show it please?
Submit for back-links, not traffic in most cases.
If its free then submit and forget, it only cost you your time.
Pulsedirectory.com - Web Directory
The Power of Article Marketing
The Power of Article Marketing
Well-written good-quality articles are a must, to make the most of your article marketing efforts you must entice others to use them as content in their blogs and websites, by providing helpful details and data that addressed the problems, issues, and questions of your targeted clients.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Clipmarks - What are you finding on the web?
Clipmarks - What are you finding on the web?
“Most people think life sucks, and then you die.
Not me. I beg to differ. I think life sucks,
then you get cancer, then your dog dies,
your wife leaves you, the cancer goes into remission,
you get a new dog, you get remarried,
There's nothing funny about being diagnosed with cancer, your Dad falling out a third floor window to his death
and your wife and the authorities highly recommending that you get sober! But that is what May, 1998 looked like for me.
I needed an alternative to cope with the curve balls life was throwing at me. I was very stressed-out and that's when I decided
to stop crying and start laughing my back to mental, emotional and physical health!
I implemented a Stress Management Program through Laughter Therapy.
YouTube - The Big Picture FINAL 6/9 (Remix)
Planet X & World War 3 (part b)Focuses on planet x,
its effect on the human psyche and its possible relevance on the global stage.
A look at the Big Conspiracy Picture.High Definition copies of this series will
soon be available for free download from http://thecrowhouse.com
Please share and rate this video.YouTube - The Big Picture FINAL 6/9 (Remix)
Clip to Blog Tool is Super Doper Easy
Supports Blogger, Wordpress, Typepad, Live Journal, Movable Type, and Vox.
Mike Grehan explains the three phases of search:
(1) webpage content,
(2) PageRank from links, and now
(3) Social Search.
He explains how social networks interact with
social media to give signals to Google about what
real people see as most important and relevant.
Friday, November 14, 2008
How To Sabotage Your Article Marketing #6 Creative Article Marketing »
When we think of SEO and technology, we sometimes think that things are super-complicated, that you need to think like a machine,
but actually that couldn't be further from the truth!
Your ability to write a thoughtful article is much more crucial to your success than understanding the technical stuff surrounding article marketing.
Surprisingly though, sometimes the area where people slip up the most has nothing to do with technology, but involves more the "art"
and "craft" part of the equation. Instead of producing well-written educational articles, folks can fall into the habit of phoning in content.
To determine if you've fallen into this trap, let's look at the 2 areas where "phoning in" of content occurs: ...
Read more at :- Creative Article Marketing » Blog Archive » Phone In Your Content: How To Sabotage Your Article Marketing #6
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Great Tips | Sound Advice | Best Tips
This is so much better then a regular article directory as the content’s all original and I’m building this blog into an authority site.
Think about it.. take 10 minutes, signup and write a quality tip and get two “follow” backlinks on an 11 year old site.
Important.. the theme of this site is Tips. So your posts should focus on “How To’s” “Best Ways” Tutorials, explanations etc..
Twittin' Secrets: The 100 World's Greatest Twitter Tips & Twitter Secrets (part 2)
Twittin' Secrets: The 100 World's Greatest Twitter Tips & Twitter Secrets (part 2)
If you’re trying to get started, simply join Twitter then start asking me questions. Honestly, that’s going to be easy for you than anything else.
You’ll want to follow me because I write about, and follow, the smartest UX, usability and internet marketing folks on Twitter.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Join Global Awareness Campaign:
Surly life as we know it? was never meant to be a struggle we are really yes I’ll say that again REALLY ONLY ON borrowed time three score years and ten if your lucky! … I'm a man of 58 years and believe me It has flashed by so can you imagine when I came across your blog it was heart warming to realise we could be a big part of change this new social networking is the key to change in this world as we know it! … we simply can’t leave our destiny todays politicians they are all power mad junkies and from where I'm sitting it looks as if they are only interested with how it benefits them selves as individuals instead of the repercussions caused by bad decisions they seem to be taken on a monumental scale does it really have to get worse to get better?Join Global Awareness Campaign:
Friday, November 07, 2008
How To Get Discovered Through Video Search
How To Get Discovered Through Video Search
You may have heard the story about how the band Journey found a replacement for their lead singer on YouTube. Videos of Arnel Pineda performing Journey covers in the Philippines were uploaded to YouTube by Pineda’s friend in February of 2007. These videos caught the eye of Journey guitarist Neil Schon, who happened to be in the market for a new lead singer. Schon contacted the person who uploaded the videos and was able to obtain Pineda’s contact info. A few months later, Pineda was touring the world as Journey’s new front man.
Make Real Money On The Internet | Marc Victor Hansen
An important message from Dr. Denis Waitley, one of the teachers from the movie The Secret and a best-selling author on human achievement.
If You Think the U.S. Will Always Be The One Great Superpower — Think Again!"In the foreseeable future the economy of China will be nearly twice as large as that of the U.S. and equal to the combined economies of all North America, Europe and Japan. This is reality, not fantasy."— Denis Waitley
8 Foods That Get You Going in the Morning
It's a very true statement. A lot of people tend to skip breakfast and it's not a good idea.
Even though you may lead a busy life and may be in a rush in the mornings it's vital
to leave enough time for a healthy breakfast. It has been said many times that the
most important meal of the day is breakfast.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Money Maker Wizard
Stuntdubl Business Search Marketing Consulting » » Balancing the Link Equation
t’s a common misconception that the entire goal of link building is to get more links. You look at the top pages ranking for your keyphrases and see they have a lot of sites linking to them and assume you need to get a similar amount of links if you want to compete. But not all links are created equal. Nor should they be. Some are going to be far more valuable than others. Links with little value create noise against the signal in your link profile. And not all link profiles are the same as sites develop links in their own way. If your link profile is skewed in one direction you want to put a little balance back into your profile. Todd Malicoat has in an interesting post about Balancing the Link Equation, which I’d encourage you to read so your links appear more natural. The post is a year old, but I think everything mentioned still applies and it’s still good advice
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
10 Best Twitter Tools for Wordpress Blogs
Related Articles
- Do You Twitter? This cartoon explains Twitter is now a way of life and can no longer be ignored. Do you Twitter? Follow...
- Barack Obama Following Me on Twitter! As the US Presidential Elections debates continue, candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have started microblogging on Twitter. Can you...
- Who Has Maximum Twitter Followers? How many Twitter followers do you have? Twitter has become a buzz word of sorts and as everyone is rushing...
- Twitter Has Limits! The popular Twitter tool has in built limits to control spam and prevent cheats from gaming Twitter. A Twitter limit...
- Selling Twitter Accounts: Encashing Twitter Followers Selling your Twitter account is the new way to make money online. Its not easy to get followers on Twitter...
Link Week
Sometimes link building is more difficult and painful than a root canal, and sometimes it’s so easy it happens in spite of us.
It can be especially frustrating when you are trying to build links for a site that is perfectly deserving of the links you are requesting,
yet your link requests are not answered or even acknowledged. Link Week
Monday, November 03, 2008
HTML Examples
Full Web Building Tutorials - All Free
The Largest Web Developer Site on the Net.At W3Schools you will find all the Web-building tutorials you need, from basic HTML and XHTML to advanced XML, SQL, Database, Multimedia and WAP.
Select your tutorials from the menu on the left!
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![]() | Full Web Building ReferencesOur references cover all Web-building technologies, including W3C standards like HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML and other technologies like JavaScript, PHP, ASP, SQL and much more. |
![]() | Try-It-Yourself On-Line ExamplesAt W3schools you will find thousands of cut-and-paste examples.With our on-line HTML editor you can edit the examples and experiment with the code on-line. |
How Craiglist.org can Promote Online Business? « Profitimo.com - Web Marketing Experts
Hi readers posters knowledge lovers, one n’all … Ive never been sure about this Craiglist site but thanks for all this super cool info on it But before I landed here my thoughts as above like Justins: (As well, I heard that Craiglist is among the top most visited sites on the net, however, HAS ANYONE REALLY FIND IT SUCCESSFUL TO SELL STUFFS ON THEIR SITE?) I would put up adverts there as an excellent strategy because its not so hard to find quality back links it's that time wasting element you have to go though in the process if you want to really be involved in a like-minded community.
We are always on the look out for automotive tools that make our lives easier while working to build back links that also help to build a see~able business opportunity online … my take on this if I find any time savers that are easy to use, I like to share them so here you go; I have a great user friendly tool that puts all this typed text into a readable format its called WhiteSmoke cost me about $90.00 but well worth it, and it doesn’t miss a trick when it comes commenting on blogs writing articles well any thing you do on a computer its always running in the back ground it’s almost like having your very own teacher as we all did at school except this tool you don’t get a slap around the back of the head when you make a spelling mistake lol …
Also thanks Jack for your input
Phillip Skinner
Saturday, November 01, 2008
3 videos: get free traffic, build a list, make more sales | Nitro Marketing Blog - Internet Marketing Strategies
3 videos: get free traffic, build a list, make more sales | Nitro Marketing Blog - Internet Marketing Strategies
----------------------------------------- Message From a Friend -------------------------------------------------
Phillip I know, I know.
At first, this may sound preposterous....
...the fact is, in the 3 free videos I just posted on the blog for you, you very well may learn more about getting traffic, building an email list, automating and outsourcing, and making an income online than most paid products you've bought in the past.
It's true because you actually see it being applied LIVE to 2 real niche businesses (instead of just a bunch of theory and concepts from those who've never actually done it "in the real world" themselves)
But even more importantly - you can take immediate action on everything you will learn so you can see results in your own business too.
Plus, it's broken up into these 3 easy bites for you to consume and digest.
It's called:
"How To Get More Free Traffic,
Build An Email List
And Make More Sales...
Even If You Don't Have A Website!"
And you can see them here (no opt-in required)
Go get these 3 smoking hot new case study videos
while they're still online.
To Your Success,
Kevin Wilke
Nitro Marketing
PS: If you've been struggling with getting traffic,
building a list, converting your traffic into sales,
or having super hyper-responsive subscribers
and having them take action (buy stuff)...
Then you're gonna LOVE these 3 videos
P.P.S. I even put in the 3rd video a section on
How to AUTOMATE and OUTSOURCE so you are
NOT a slave to your business.
If you ever thought it was an overwhelming
topic... or beyond your abilities.
Well... you are about to discover the brain-dead-simple
method you can actually use and it works.
All my best to you and your Cool stuff.
Phillip Skinner