Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Simple Health Exercises Human force and the stable equilibrium

1st test

Hi readers posters chair dwellers far n'wide ... for the past 5 to 6 years I have replaced my office chair probably 4 or 5 times not necessary because I needed to because I never really felt comfortable and used to be restless shifting from one position to the next?

Then about a year ago I started having trouble with my knees and because my main and favorite hobby is walking and I really do walk a lot my knees every time I stood up were really painful, well lucky enough I have a friend in the therapy world Dennis Bartram, even though he had warned me on numerous occasions about sitting at my computer for long periods of time would not benefit my posture or movability even ever lasting Age'ility Ability...

I listened but thought that would only be for office workers who don't really exercise ... wow how wrong I was its sitting that causes most knee complaints as we age! ... so apart from a good chair ... exercise is essential to better wealth healthy wellbeing especially of those knees so that's exactly what this website outlines above is very important after all you can buy as many chairs you want through out your life ... but you guessed it ??? … Nuff Said?